Shipping & returns


Shipment of the products you purchase in the Classifieds Marketplace are made by the seller and not Osyska. You agree that Osyska has no obligation to ship to you any product you purchase in the Classifieds Marketplace. You agree that Osyska may provide to the seller your shipping address for shipment of the products you purchase. You agree to pay the shipping charges in full for any product that you purchase.

Some of the products offered on the Osyska site may be imported from sellers Country, then you should understand that your order may take longer to arrive. More importantly, your purchase of products to be imported may impose legal responsibilities and obligations upon you. If you order products to be imported from sellers Country, then by that order you agree that you are responsible to make sure (1) that the product can lawfully enter the destination country; and (2) that you comply with all laws and regulations of the destination country. When you receive an international shipment of imported products, you may be required to pay import taxes, customs duties and/or fees. If there are any additional charges for those taxes, duties or fees, or for customs clearance then you are responsible to pay them. Osyska does not control the amount or timing of any taxes, duties or fees. Those are set by the destination country and we cannot estimate what those costs might be for any particular product or destination. We recommend that you contact your local customs officials with any questions or if you need more information.


Classifieds Marketplace Returns

You may not make any returns to Osyska of products you purchase in the Classifieds Marketplace. You must contact the seller for any product returns that you wish to make. The seller’s contact information can be found in your order detail located in your My Account or in the email we sent to you confirming your order.