Wiproddr3 core2duo cpu,320gb,2gb cpu rs4500with 19lcd rs7500,win7org

Wiproddr3 core2duo cpu,320gb,2gb cpu rs4500with 19lcd rs7500,win7org
Location: Saidapet, Chennai, India
Condition Type: Unspecified
₹ 4,500.00
wipro core2 duo ddr3 cpu 50 nos with win 7 org available core2 duo 2.8ghz 320gb, 2gb win 7 org rs 4500 CPU ONLY win 7 org o.s fancy atx FULL SET with 19" DELL OR HO BRAND lcd kb mouse rs 7500 hp BRANDED core2 duo pc 160gb, 2gb with 16" lcd kb mouse rs 6200 only 20 NOS READY BASIC DELL OR LENOVO D PROCESSOR CPU 80GB, 2GB DDR2 CPU RS 2000 ONLY call 9 8 8 4 1 8 8 o 2 2 ref: rxgjqh.524@12341234.com